Church signs with a little bit of humor

-----Mike's Corner-----
Christian Humor & Good Clean Jokes
for the whole family!

Here are some jokes Mike has shared at our Men's fellowship & Sunday Services
Why do bees have sticky fur?
Because they have honey combs.
Do you know how farmers throw parties?
They turn-up the beets.
A pastor notices a man in his church that he hadn't seen in a long time.
After the service he said to the man, "Sir, I only see you at Christmas and Easter.
You need to be in the Lord's army."
The man replied, "I am in the Lord's Army, I'm in the secret service."
A man was asked on his birthday,
"Were there any great men born on your birthday?"
He replied, "Nope, they were all babies."
What kind of books do cattle like to read? "Cattle-logs"
What do you call Batman when he skips church? Christian Bale...